Search the web

Find text on the page

SafeZone can search through the text on a page and find keywords for you. To find text on a page, press Ctrl+F on your keyboard.

Found words are highlighted as you search. If more than one instance of the word exists on the page, click the left and right arrows to navigate.

Search the web using text on the page

Text on the page can be used as a phrase to search the web.

To search the web for text you find on a page:

  1. Highlight the text.
  2. Right-click the highlighted text.
  3. Select Search to use your default search engine, or Search With to use another search engine.

Change the default search engine

To change the default search engine, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Settings icon in the top-right corner of the SafeZone screen, and select All settings.
  2. Ensure Browser is selected on the side panel.
  3. Scroll to the Search section and select your preferred search engine from the drop-down menu.

Convert currencies using text on the page

If you select a text corresponding to a monetary value (for example $30), the search pop-up includes a currency converter. The currency converter uses your location at the time you installed SafeZone Browser to determine your currency. To select a different currency, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Settings icon in the top-right corner of the SafeZone screen, and select All settings.
  2. Ensure Browser is selected on the side panel.
  3. Scroll to the User interface section and use the drop-down menu next to On text selection convert currency to to select a currency.

Note: Currency conversion is based on the reference rates reported by the European Central Bank ("ECB") using EURO as its base currency. According to the ECB, its reference rates are updated on working days, excluding TARGET closing days (generally Saturday, Sunday, and certain holidays). The ECB's reference rates are based on a regular daily concertation procedure between central banks across Europe. Rates are not verified by SafeZone Browser and you should confirm current rates with your financial institution before engaging in any transaction.