Scan results
Access this feature from: Protection ▸ Scans ▸ <complete selected scan type>
If an antivirus scan detects any malware, information about the detections and options to resolve them appear.
Manage detected scan issues
If the scan reports any issues, click the drop-down menu for an affected file to select what you want Avast to do:
- Auto: attempts to repair the file. If unsuccessful, moves the file to the Virus Chest or deletes the file if neither action is successful.
- Delete: permanently removes the file from your PC.
- Repair: removes malicious code if the file is only partially infected. This action is not possible if the entire code is malware.
- Chest: sends the file to the Virus Chest where the file cannot harm your system (recommended).
- Nothing: makes no changes to the contents or location of the file (not recommended).
Click Resolve to initiate the selected actions.
If you do not want Avast to perform any actions now, click Back to exit the screen. You can manage unresolved detections at any time in Protection ▸ Scans ▸ Scan history. Read more...
Note: Avast may apply automatic actions to certain detections depending on your scan settings.
Resolve false-positive detections
Occasionally, Avast may flag a file or program from an unknown source as dangerous when it is actually safe. This type of detection is known as a false-positive. If such detections occur, you can report false-positives to the Avast Threat Labs for closer examination. Additionally, if you are sure that a false-positive file is safe, you can add it to your scan exclusions in Settings ▸ Exclusions. Read more...
You can also submit false-positive files using the Virus Chest.