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Attacked by "DoublePulsar"!

Your PC has been subjected to the "DoublePulsar" attack. A remote attacker has exploited a flaw in the Windows file sharing service to remotely take over your PC.


The system must be restarted before the update is applied, while disconnected from the network. Since "DoublePulsar" exploit is already present, attempting the patch process without adhering to the above notice could prevent the PC from starting.

To update Windows 8 / 8.1:

  1. Download the patch tool from Microsoft and save it to your desktop:

    »  Go to download for Windows 8 32-bit | Windows 8 64-bit | Windows 8.1
  2. Disconnect your PC from the network (disconnect the network cable, turn off WiFi).
  3. Restart the PC.
  4. Run the installer you saved to your desktop in step 1.
  5. Restart the PC to complete the patch installation process.
  6. Reconnect to the network.
  7. Run the Avast Wi-Fi Inspector scan (ProtectionWi-Fi InspectorNetwork Scan) to confirm that the system is no longer vulnerable.

Alternative steps:

  1. Restart the PC.
  2. Go to Windows Update and check for updates (Charms menu ▸ Settings ▸ Change PC settings ▸ Windows Update ▸ Check for updates now).
  3. Install any available updates and restart the PC.
  4. Run the Avast Wi-Fi Inspector scan (ProtectionWi-Fi InspectorNetwork Scan) to confirm that the system is no longer vulnerable.


If you are unable to install the update, the only other way to fix this vulnerability is to disable the Windows file sharing service, specifically version 1 of the SMB protocol.

Refer to the following Microsoft guide to disable SMBv1:

»  How to enable and disable SMBv1, SMBv2, and SMBv3 in Windows and Windows Server

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